Parley Ocean School ONLINE


Our new online learning portal is a free platform connecting curious minds with the knowledge, tools, teachers and inspiration to create change — #FORTHEOCEANS


Launched in 2022, Parley Ocean School online is a virtual education portal where creators, teachers and innovators share their combined wisdom to help learners of all ages explore the oceans and take action against the major threats of plastic pollution, climate change and overfishing. There is no magic fix for complex ocean issues, but there are simple steps we can all take – and it all starts with knowledge.

Our goal is to remove barriers to education and amplify access to the wonders of the oceans. As you take courses, you will deepen your understanding about the beauty and fragility of our planet's largest ecosystem, and learn new ways of creating, thinking and living on this fast-changing ocean-covered planet called Earth.



Highlights of our current course offerings include



Parley Ocean School online is not numerically graded, making it easy just to dive in and learn. Instead of being concerned with grades and scores, learners can focus on interacting with new information about the oceans and building up their own skillset. Approach Parley Ocean School with an open mind, and as an opportunity to follow your curiosity, deepen your knowledge and engage in the oceans movement. Most importantly, together with people around the world, you can explore what we can all do collectively and as individuals.

The power for change lies in every one of us, every day. By demanding and choosing better, and harnessing the power of creativity and collaboration, we help shape a new way of living — one that can synchronize the systems of humankind with the ecosystems of nature. To transform our world, let’s learn about its life-giving ecosystem. Dive in, fall in love with the oceans, spread the word, and carve your own role in this movement.




the Material Revolution